The Oscar Project Podcast

2.54 Filmmaker Interview with Akshit Kumar

Season 2 Episode 54

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In today's episode, I interview Akshit Kumar, the director of the short film "bonVoyage pour monVoyage," an experimental film animating Akshit's travels. The film received the bronze medal in the experimental/alternative category at the 2024 Student Academy Awards.

Listen to hear about the some of the Akshit's travels, the process of turning static drawings into animated scenes, and some of Akshit's favorite places to visit around India.

Books mentioned in this episode include:

Films mentioned in this episode include:

"bonVoyage pour monVoyage" is screening at the International Short Film Festival on Cultural Tourism in December, and is waiting to hear back from international film festivals.

You can follow Akshit on Instagram @_aykay.k and the film @bonvoyage_pour_monvoyage.